Organize and share the businesses you rely on.

Store all of the businesses you rely on in a connected address book that can be shared with family and friends.

Relevant business details easily available.

Business details are available in a familar business card like view which is made for storing information about businesses such as hours, associates, notes and reviews.

Group support users with shared interests.

Businesses can be searched from users with similar interests or geographical location such as neighborhoods, towns, or condo associations.

Trusted Reviews

Business reviews are from friends or group members you know and trust, not some anonymous sourced review that may not be authentic or unbiased.


Reduce clutter in your contacts list by separating business relationships and service providers from friends and family.  Messages from businesses you are connected with can be read directly without spamming your email inbox.  Businesses can be grouped by category to make it easier to retrieve them later.


Consolidate all of your businesses in a single place where businesses you only use occaisonally can be quickly found.

Track interactions

Calls and emails initiated from within Just Business are tracked so you can reference them later.  Communication records can be searched for calls, emails or texts up to one year in the past.

Easily Connect

Share businesses and request referrals from friends in a way that is easy and efficient.  Friends, family and group members can request referrals that are broadcast to the group and responses collected.

streamlined communication

Contact businesses or specific associates using email, phone, texting or social media addresses. Alternatively, you can message directly from within JustBusiness to avoid cluttering your email box.

Band Together

Create and join groups that provide a way to share businesses with others in the same local area who share similar interests.


Just business is more than just an address book – it allows you to be more effective finding and communicating with businesses so you have more time for the activities you love.

trusted reviews

Stop relying on business recommendations from strangers or uncertain reviews on public websites.  Just Business allows you ro read reviews from people you actually know and trust

secure and private

Business contacts are stored securely in the cloud and are only shared with others when you choose giving you full control over the privacy of your business relationships.

stay current

Businesses can update their electronic addresses, phone numbers, business hours or social media sites and the changes are pushed out automatically to customers and clients.